final fantasy XII the zodiac age

vaan 2

کاربر سایت
Dec 20, 2009

Final Fantasy XII the Zodiac Age

Publisher: Squar Enix
Developer: Squar Enix
Director: Hiroyuki Ito sama
Genre: RPG, Fantasy, real time atb
Release Date: July 11, 2017
Platform: PS4

You shouldn't listen to Ondore's (Haters) lies.

نقدها و نمرات

Game Informer:90​

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is a remaster done right. The core content remains the same, but the changes in various systems add a new layer of discovery... Not every facet of the game has aged well, but the clever combat and fantastic cast earns this entry its status as classic RPG, and the Zodiac Age is the best way to play it.
Gaming Age: 100

Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age gets its reputation from Final Fantasy XII being such a smash hit, along with incorporating the revisions in the International version. Add to that the updated graphics and orchestrated score, and you have what could safely be considered the definitive Final Fantasy XII experience. While not much can be done for the compressed voice work that was carried over, it's a tradeoff for having an updated version that offers a lot more than is worth getting hung up on part of the game's audio quality. I'd recommend this version any day of the week.

Digitally Downloaded: 100

Final Fantasy XII’s willingness to be different and innovative has left it feeling every bit as modern and poignant now as any new JRPG on the market, and it remains my favourite game within a series that I hold very precious to me

GamingTrend: 95

Stunning graphical overhaul aside, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age delivers several gameplay-improving mechanics never seen in North America. While balance is still occasionally wobbly, there’s no doubt that Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is a masterclass in the light but deliberate touch necessary to take something great and make it even better.

PSX Brasil
95/ 100

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is a well deserved remaster of one of the best, yet most underrated, RPGs of all time. If its original release at the end of the PS2 life cycle/beginning of the PS3 era made it fly under the radar of many, this is the perfect opportunity to experience a game that, even a decade after its original release, aged incredibly well and surpass, with flying colors, many of the games released in the past few years.

9.5 / 10.0

I always felt bad for Final Fantasy XII. It released at a very unfortunate time where it wasn't given a proper time to shine
. Final Fantasy X was a showcase for the PS2, adding voice acting and facial animations, while Final Fantasy XI was the alluring first ever MMORPG for the fabled franchise. FFXII released a mere month before the PlayStation 3, a next-gen system promising a huge leap in graphical capabilities. By that time, many people were waiting for their next-gen fix, instead of diving into the world of Ivalice. Even by remake and remaster standards, FFXII was the black sheep of the group, since, at this point, we've seen every other mainline FF game get some sort of port or remakes/remasters on other, newer systems.

It's this reason why I'm so happy that Square gave FFXII new life with The Zodiac Age, because it not only reminded me what a fantastic game it was when I first played it on the PS2 but now complete with a host of improvements that make the game so much better. But the other, and possibly even bigger reason why I'm so excited is that many players who started gaming after XII's release will finally have a chance to play it, and see what they were missing out on

You take on the role of Vaan, a young street urchin who happens to get tangled up in a grand adventure that has him teaming up with some of the best characters in Final Fantasy history, such as the lovable and charismatic Sky Pirate Balthier and his ferocious Viera companion, Fran, the disgraced and exiled Basch who seeks redemption, or Ashe, the princess of Dalmasca who lost everything she holds dear and tries her best to keep her homeland of Dalmasca united.

For anyone who missed out on Final Fantasy XII the first time around, or perhaps hasn't played it since it came out on the PS2, like myself, you owe it to yourself to re-experience this game all over again.

GamesBeat: 93

Final Fantasy XII has aged well. The things that made it unique, especially the Gambit system, still feel fresh. And the Zodiac Job System and High Speed Mode are great improvements that make the game more convenient for newcomers and fresher for fans who have already played it.

The Games Machine: 90

Final Fantasy XII was definitely too ambitious and way ahead of its time. In 2017, that makes it an incredibly modern videogame. If you already played it back then, know that there are some nice changes to the gameplay that will make FFXII worth your time.

IGN Spain: 90

An RPG masterpiece that dreams to be online, but lies within offline walls. That makes this game different and special, making it as valid today as it was 10 years ago.

Push Square: 90

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is a near perfect reworking of a PS2 masterpiece. The game's not without its minor flaws, but overall, this is a startling reminder of how magical Square's beloved series can be.

Game Revolution: 90

It’s gotten the loving, reinvigorating treatment so many other entries in the series deserve, so if you’re hoping to see more of this kind of the thing in the future, it may be in your best interest to make sure Square Enix knows you’re interested with your wallet.

بهترین پاراف رو بین همه منتقدا گیم رولوشن زده انصافا

Playstation Universe: 90

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is right up there with all the acclaimed classics that have enjoyed great remasters, making the original product better without changing its fundamental execution.

NZGamer: 90

New quality-of-life features elevate the game’s strongest elements, while visual and audio improvements make it more palatable. If you missed Final Fantasy XII the first time, don’t sleep on this.

RPG Site: 90

Western players are in for a treat with all of these adjustments and improvements made from the original release of Final Fantasy XII - many of which are old but never made their way West originally. The job system adds another level of interest to party coordination, elements like fast-forward and map overlays add a considerable amount of convenience, and the game looks and sounds great too. This remaster may not change the mind of everyone, but it is no doubt one of the most intriguing entries in the franchise and clearly the definitive version of a truly brilliant game.

Vandal: 90

IGN Italia: 90

This is probably the best remaster version of an old game so far, that brings one of the most controversial Final Fantasy titles in the modern times. And it still rocks.

PlayStation LifeStyle: 90

Not only does it feature the usual remaster fare of significantly improved visuals up to their maximum capabilities but it also includes significant and positive improvements and additions to its audio and gameplay that take into consideration both its past strengths and weakness, the resources of the current times, and both its past and current potential audience.

USgamer: 90

It may never have the mass appeal of some of its peers, but it's time Final Fantasy XII received some of the love and attention it deserves.

Attack of the Fanboy: 90

Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age is the shining example of how remasters should be -- improving the game in multiple aspects while keeping the core gameplay intact.

We Got This Covered: 90

Whether you memorized every map of the original game, or you’ve yet to set foot in the most intricate version of Yasumi Matsuno’s Ivalice ever rendered, there’s more than enough incentive in Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age to jump in.

Hardcore Gamer: 90

It has its issues with Vaan being one of the most lackluster protagonists in Final Fantasy history, but the combat is fun, versatile and highly addicting. It helps that Square Enix has put in an on-the-fly button to enable the High Speed Mode, which cuts down on unnecessary grinding of items, license points and experience significantly. The game has also been masterfully remastered, with beautiful 1080p visuals and some added visual techniques such as bump mapping applied to the environments.

DualShockers: 90

Final Fantasy XII is an epic, sprawling tale that many gamers — myself included — missed the first time around because of when it was released. Don’t make that mistake again. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is one of the best, if not the best, remaster of a Final Fantasy game in recently memory, and is objectively better now than it was a decade ago.

بعد 9 دادی ؟؟

GameSpew: 90

Minor grievances aside, the fact remains that Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is easily the best version of the game. Those who were deterred by it the first time around are unlikely to warm up to it this time, as its divisive battle system remains completely in tact. That being said, the sweeping narrative and endearing cast of characters, alongside the drastically improved character upgrade system, provide an expansive and refined role-playing experience that still manages to charm even a decade after its original release.

GameSpot: 90

While its enhancements do not translate into a brand new game for existing fans, The Zodiac Age is nonetheless invigorating. For an experience that can last over a hundred hours, the subtle tweaks therein go a long way in showcasing Final Fantasy 12's grand trek in a new light. Its epic, lore-abundant story and its time-tested Gambit System should also appeal to those who missed out on the mainline series' trip to Ivalice the first time around. And thanks in part to the new audio and speed options, The Zodiac Age is an ideal definitive edition: one that improves the game over its original version across the board.

TheSixthAxis: 90

Though I remember having a huge amount of fun with XII when it came out, it’s always been Final Fantasy X that was ‘my’ Final Fantasy game growing up. However,having replayed them both again in remastered form, it’s clearly XII which comes away the winner. A wonderful remaster with welcome enhancements, it’s remarkable just how
fresh, fun and involving Final Fantasy XII feels over a decade later, with elements that still feel modern in a franchise well known for hanging onto the past.

Atomix: 90

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is, easily, the definitive edition of FFXII. It offers the same great adventure that many played and loved on PS2 and enhances it with many elements and additions that improve the overall experience. However, even with all of these, the game cannot avoid showing some aspects that look like little bit aged. Nevertheless, all of them are minimal and do not significantly affect the game by any means.

EGM: 90

Final Fantasy XII released to mixed opinions when it first hit back in 2006, and even today, fans will still argue over where it deserves to land on a listing of the best chapters of the franchise. It received those opinions because it was a bold, daring, and different chapter of a series that up-ended our expectations for what Final Fantasy should be—and all these years later, those elements are part of the reason why I still think it’s one of the best entries we’ve ever received 90

IGN: 88

Final Fantasy XII’s relatable roleplaying adventure has aged remarkably well, and The Zodiac Age remaster improves it further in meaningful ways. The storytelling, visual design, and gameplay feel just as fresh and interesting as they did over a decade ago, and the various new enhancements and adjustments will give new players a chance to experience the magic for the first time and fans of the original something enticing to return for.

LevelUp: 87

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is much more than just a paint job trying to make a 2006 game look good. It's so much more than that. If you loved the original game you will fall in love with this one. If you didn't have a chance to play it back then and love RPGs or Final Fantasy, don't wait and grab a copy. You wont be disappointed.

Meristation: 86

Final Fantasy XII was a great game on the PS2 and The Zodiac Age is a great remaster of that classic. The new mechanics works perfectly, visually it's still an outstanding work and the game deserves to be replayed or rediscovered by a new generation of JRPGs enthusiasts

God is a Geek: 85

Put aside any misconceptions you may have about the idea of re-selling old games in shinier coats, this is no lazy rehash and it was always a dang fine game to boot!

3DJuegos: 85

Many years have passed, but FFXII is still one of the biggest JRPG we have played, and that's very important to understand why this remastered version is a must for Final Fantasy fans who couldn't play the game before. Better graphics, smoother gameplay and other additions rebuild an old but powerful fantasy. 85

Hobby Consolas: 85

Although the remastered work is correct, all the changes and additions (especially those from the International Zodiac Job System) make The Zodiac Age the definitive version of one of the most underrated and special Final Fantasy.

SpazioGames: 85

Not as beautiful as we expected to see, but Final Fantasy XII is still a pearl of jRPG, even in 2017.

Polygon: 85

It's taken the game I already loved so much and given me more. The Zodiac Age doesn’t add things for the sake of adding them. I can see myself putting 300 more hours into this version of Final Fantasy 12, trying different combinations of job classes and testing out new tactics on the optional bosses I could never quite conquer in the original game. The Zodiac Age takes a game I could play in my sleep and makes me wake up and appreciate it again.

300 ساعت بازی کرده ، تو خوابم فاینال 12 میزنه ! 85

GamePro Germany: 84

COGconnected: 82

The pacing is still weird, even if it is breezier. The battle system will still turn you off if it did the first time. Still, this is Ivalice in all its glory. Enormous, beautiful, flawed and fiercely compelling. Even if you've already put a hundred hours in the original, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age can get its hooks in you, and deep.

Eurogamer Italy: 80

Trusted Reviews: 80

Square-Enix hasn’t pulled off any miracles with this remaster, but The Zodiac Age gives players one of the great Final Fantasies, looking sharper and playing better than it ever has before. The battle and progress systems that once infuriated aficionados haven’t become less abrasive with time, but they also help give the game its pace and a feel that’s unlike any other game in the series.

LaPS4: 80

Even though its launch Price is quite high for an 11-year-old remastered game, The Zodiac Age is the best chance to discover or revisit a unique, original, well-narrated Final Fantasy, now with a more agile and fast-paced approach, although it is also what many think of as the Final Fantasy that started the derailment of the franchise. It will move you. If you didn't play during the PS2 era and you think yourself as a fan of the series, you have to play it now. 80
By a giant like Square Enix, however, we would have expected more attention with regard to the technical and graphical sector, which are still too undercut.

Twinfinite: 80

If you absolutely couldn’t stand the gameplay of Final Fantasy XII, The Zodiac Age’s improvements may not ultimately be enough to sway you to the other side. However, the remaster makes some truly important quality of life changes to its design that results in The Zodiac Age being much more approachable. It is without a doubt the best version of Final Fantasy XII available.

GamesRadar: 80+

The Zodiac Age allows Final Fantasy 12 to realize its full potential, thanks to a wealth of graphical enhancements, a soaring soundtrack, and the addition of the Zodiac Job System. 80

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is a beautiful remaster which makes us love the game even more. Thanks to the second job addition, the fast forward rhythm or the magnificent re-orchestration of the original soundtrack, this version deserves a run, whether you've already finished the original game or not.

Destructoid: 8

Slowly but surely XII has wormed its way into my heart -- it only took 11 years.

Stevivor: 80

Final Fantasy XII was a great RPG, swapping out gunblades and epic, world-destroying storylines in favour of ones revolving around political intrigue; it remains as such. It’s as fun to play now as it was back in the dying stages of the PS2, and is perfect for returning fans or those who missed out previously.
آخرین ویرایش:

vaan 2

کاربر سایت
Dec 20, 2009
Gadgets 360

The Zodiac Age for the PS4 is a high-definition remaster of Final Fantasy XII, which was released towards the end of the PS2’s lifecycle in 2006, and is one of the darker, more mature entries in the
long-running role-playing game (RPG) franchise

This is far from a problem though. Unlike other Final Fantasy games, the events of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age play out on a grand scale. They’re replete with political intricacies and scheming galore, kind of like Game of Thrones minus the R-rated scenes. Fraught with twists and turns that would leave you guessing, it’s a treat to watch this masterpiece of plot unfold before your very eyes.

Speaking of which, that’s another facet of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age that’s still entertaining. Unlike prior entries - where battles were mostly random, turn-based affairs - this one follows a rather realistic approach where you see your enemies on screen and fight them in actual game context. Added to this are gambits, an automated set of actions for each of your characters during battle. Suppose you want to be healed every time your health goes down by seventy percent, all you have to do is set the required gambit for it

As it stands, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is a remaster worth checking out. It might not be the best looking re-release of a classic, but there’s more than enough for fans and first-timers alike to revel in.


  • Additions to character progression are welcome
  • Combat has tremendous depth
  • Locations and setting are still fresh
  • Fantastic, well-voiced story

  • Cut-scenes suffer from aspect ratio issues
  • Token PS4 Pro enhancements
Rating (out of 10): 9

دو تا ایراد ساده تکنیکی گرفته و نمره کم کرده (خصوصا ایراد ps pro ش )
آخرین ویرایش:

vaan 2

کاربر سایت
Dec 20, 2009
Digitally Downloaded: 100

Final Fantasy XII’s willingness to be different and innovative has left it feeling every bit as modern and poignant now as any new JRPG on the market, and it remains my favourite game within a series that I hold very precious to me]

GamingTrend: 95

Stunning graphical overhaul aside, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age delivers several gameplay-improving mechanics never seen in North America. While balance is still occasionally wobbly, there’s no doubt that Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is a masterclass in the light but deliberate touch necessary to take something great and make it even better.

GamesBeat: 93

Final Fantasy XII has aged well. The things that made it unique, especially the Gambit system, still feel fresh. And the Zodiac Job System and High Speed Mode are great improvements that make the game more convenient for newcomers and fresher for fans who have already played it.

The Games Machine: 90

Final Fantasy XII was definitely too ambitious and way ahead of its time. In 2017, that makes it an incredibly modern videogame. If you already played it back then, know that there are some nice changes to the gameplay that will make FFXII worth your time.

IGN Spain: 90

An RPG masterpiece that dreams to be online, but lies within offline walls. That makes this game different and special, making it as valid today as it was 10 years ago.

Push Square: 90

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is a near perfect reworking of a PS2 masterpiece. The game's not without its minor flaws, but overall, this is a startling reminder of how magical Square's beloved series can be.

Game Revolution: 90

It’s gotten the loving, reinvigorating treatment so many other entries in the series deserve, so if you’re hoping to see more of this kind of the thing in the future, it may be in your best interest to make sure Square Enix knows you’re interested with your wallet.
بهترین پاراف رو بین همه منتقدا گیم رولوشن زده انصافا

Playstation Universe: 90

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is right up there with all the acclaimed classics that have enjoyed great remasters, making the original product better without changing its fundamental execution.

NZGamer: 90

New quality-of-life features elevate the game’s strongest elements, while visual and audio improvements make it more palatable. If you missed Final Fantasy XII the first time, don’t sleep on this.

RPG Site: 90

Western players are in for a treat with all of these adjustments and improvements made from the original release of Final Fantasy XII - many of which are old but never made their way West originally. The job system adds another level of interest to party coordination, elements like fast-forward and map overlays add a considerable amount of convenience, and the game looks and sounds great too. This remaster may not change the mind of everyone, but it is no doubt one of the most intriguing entries in the franchise and clearly the definitive version of a truly brilliant game.

Vandal: 90

IGN Italia: 90

This is probably the best remaster version of an old game so far, that brings one of the most controversial Final Fantasy titles in the modern times. And it still rocks.

PlayStation LifeStyle: 90

Not only does it feature the usual remaster fare of significantly improved visuals up to their maximum capabilities but it also includes significant and positive improvements and additions to its audio and gameplay that take into consideration both its past strengths and weakness, the resources of the current times, and both its past and current potential audience.

USgamer: 90

It may never have the mass appeal of some of its peers, but it's time Final Fantasy XII received some of the love and attention it deserves.

Attack of the Fanboy: 90

Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age is the shining example of how remasters should be -- improving the game in multiple aspects while keeping the core gameplay intact.

We Got This Covered: 90

Whether you memorized every map of the original game, or you’ve yet to set foot in the most intricate version of Yasumi Matsuno’s Ivalice ever rendered, there’s more than enough incentive in Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age to jump in.

Hardcore Gamer: 90

It has its issues with Vaan being one of the most lackluster protagonists in Final Fantasy history, but the combat is fun, versatile and highly addicting. It helps that Square Enix has put in an on-the-fly button to enable the High Speed Mode, which cuts down on unnecessary grinding of items, license points and experience significantly. The game has also been masterfully remastered, with beautiful 1080p visuals and some added visual techniques such as bump mapping applied to the environments.

DualShockers: 90

Final Fantasy XII is an epic, sprawling tale that many gamers — myself included — missed the first time around because of when it was released. Don’t make that mistake again. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is one of the best, if not the best, remaster of a Final Fantasy game in recently memory, and is objectively better now than it was a decade ago.

بعد 9 دادی ؟؟

GameSpew: 90

Minor grievances aside, the fact remains that Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is easily the best version of the game. Those who were deterred by it the first time around are unlikely to warm up to it this time, as its divisive battle system remains completely in tact. That being said, the sweeping narrative and endearing cast of characters, alongside the drastically improved character upgrade system, provide an expansive and refined role-playing experience that still manages to charm even a decade after its original release.

GameSpot: 90

While its enhancements do not translate into a brand new game for existing fans, The Zodiac Age is nonetheless invigorating. For an experience that can last over a hundred hours, the subtle tweaks therein go a long way in showcasing Final Fantasy 12's grand trek in a new light. Its epic, lore-abundant story and its time-tested Gambit System should also appeal to those who missed out on the mainline series' trip to Ivalice the first time around. And thanks in part to the new audio and speed options, The Zodiac Age is an ideal definitive edition: one that improves the game over its original version across the board.

IGN: 88

Final Fantasy XII’s relatable roleplaying adventure has aged remarkably well, and The Zodiac Age remaster improves it further in meaningful ways. The storytelling, visual design, and gameplay feel just as fresh and interesting as they did over a decade ago, and the various new enhancements and adjustments will give new players a chance to experience the magic for the first time and fans of the original something enticing to return for.

God is a Geek: 85

Put aside any misconceptions you may have about the idea of re-selling old games in shinier coats, this is no lazy rehash and it was always a dang fine game to boot!

3DJuegos: 85

Many years have passed, but FFXII is still one of the biggest JRPG we have played
, and that's very important to understand why this remastered version is a must for Final Fantasy fans who couldn't play the game before. Better graphics, smoother gameplay and other additions rebuild an old but powerful fantasy. 85

Hobby Consolas: 85

Although the remastered work is correct, all the changes and additions (especially those from the International Zodiac Job System) make The Zodiac Age the definitive version of one of the most underrated and special Final Fantasy.

SpazioGames: 85

Not as beautiful as we expected to see, but Final Fantasy XII is still a pearl of jRPG, even in 2017.

Polygon: 85

It's taken the game I already loved so much and given me more. The Zodiac Age doesn’t add things for the sake of adding them. I can see myself putting 300 more hours into this version of Final Fantasy 12, trying different combinations of job classes and testing out new tactics on the optional bosses I could never quite conquer in the original game. The Zodiac Age takes a game I could play in my sleep and makes me wake up and appreciate it again.

300 ساعت بازی کرده ، تو خوابم فاینال 12 میزنه !

GamePro Germany: 84

COGconnected: 82

The pacing is still weird, even if it is breezier. The battle system will still turn you off if it did the first time. Still, this is Ivalice in all its glory. Enormous, beautiful, flawed and fiercely compelling. Even if you've already put a hundred hours in the original, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age can get its hooks in you, and deep.

Eurogamer Italy: 80

Trusted Reviews: 80

Square-Enix hasn’t pulled off any miracles with this remaster, but The Zodiac Age gives players one of the great Final Fantasies, looking sharper and playing better than it ever has before. The battle and progress systems that once infuriated aficionados haven’t become less abrasive with time, but they also help give the game its pace and a feel that’s unlike any other game in the series.

LaPS4: 80

Even though its launch Price is quite high for an 11-year-old remastered game, The Zodiac Age is the best chance to discover or revisit a unique, original, well-narrated Final Fantasy, now with a more agile and fast-paced approach, although it is also what many think of as the Final Fantasy that started the derailment of the franchise. It will move you. If you didn't play during the PS2 era and you think yourself as a fan of the series, you have to play it now. 80

By a giant like Square Enix, however, we would have expected more attention with regard to the technical and graphical sector, which are still too undercut.

Twinfinite: 80

If you absolutely couldn’t stand the gameplay of Final Fantasy XII, The Zodiac Age’s improvements may not ultimately be enough to sway you to the other side. However, the remaster makes some truly important quality of life changes to its design that results in The Zodiac Age being much more approachable. It is without a doubt the best version of Final Fantasy XII available.

GamesRadar: 80+

The Zodiac Age allows Final Fantasy 12 to realize its full potential, thanks to a wealth of graphical enhancements, a soaring soundtrack, and the addition of the Zodiac Job System.

Destructoid: 80

Slowly but surely XII has wormed its way into my heart -- it only took 11 years.​

vaan 2

کاربر سایت
Dec 20, 2009
مازیار 80

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is a beautiful remaster which makes us love the game even more. Thanks to the second job addition, the fast forward rhythm or the magnificent re-orchestration of the original soundtrack, this version deserves a run, whether you've already finished the original game or not.

LevelUp: 87

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is much more than just a paint job trying to make a 2006 game look good. It's so much more than that. If you loved the original game you will fall in love with this one. If you didn't have a chance to play it back then and love RPGs or Final Fantasy, don't wait and grab a copy. You wont be disappointed. 90

Meristation: 86

Final Fantasy XII was a great game on the PS2 and The Zodiac Age is a great remaster of that classic. The new mechanics works perfectly, visually it's still an outstanding work and the game deserves to be replayed or rediscovered by a new generation of JRPGs enthusiasts.

باز وایساتید پست منو نگاه میکنید ! برید بازی رو بخرید دیگه !!

vaan 2

کاربر سایت
Dec 20, 2009
TheSixthAxis: 90

Though I remember having a huge amount of fun with XII when it came out, it’s always been Final Fantasy X that was ‘my’ Final Fantasy game growing up. However,having replayed them both again in remastered form, it’s clearly XII which comes away the winner. A wonderful remaster with welcome enhancements, it’s remarkable just how
fresh, fun and involving Final Fantasy XII feels over a decade later, with elements that still feel modern in a franchise well known for hanging onto the past.

Atomix: 90

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is, easily, the definitive edition of FFXII. It offers the same great adventure that many played and loved on PS2 and enhances it with many elements and additions that improve the overall experience. However, even with all of these, the game cannot avoid showing some aspects that look like little bit aged. Nevertheless, all of them are minimal and do not significantly affect the game by any means.
آخرین ویرایش:

vaan 2

کاربر سایت
Dec 20, 2009
این دو تا تو اپن کریتک ثبت شدن

PSX Brasil
95/ 100

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is a well deserved remaster of one of the best, yet most underrated, RPGs of all time. If its original release at the end of the PS2 life cycle/beginning of the PS3 era made it fly under the radar of many, this is the perfect opportunity to experience a game that, even a decade after its original release, aged incredibly well and surpass, with flying colors, many of the games released in the past few years.

9.5 / 10.0

I always felt bad for Final Fantasy XII. It released at a very unfortunate time where it wasn't given a proper time to shine
. Final Fantasy X was a showcase for the PS2, adding voice acting and facial animations, while Final Fantasy XI was the alluring first ever MMORPG for the fabled franchise. FFXII released a mere month before the PlayStation 3, a next-gen system promising a huge leap in graphical capabilities. By that time, many people were waiting for their next-gen fix, instead of diving into the world of Ivalice. Even by remake and remaster standards, FFXII was the black sheep of the group, since, at this point, we've seen every other mainline FF game get some sort of port or remakes/remasters on other, newer systems.

It's this reason why I'm so happy that Square gave FFXII new life with The Zodiac Age, because it not only reminded me what a fantastic game it was when I first played it on the PS2 but now complete with a host of improvements that make the game so much better. But the other, and possibly even bigger reason why I'm so excited is that many players who started gaming after XII's release will finally have a chance to play it, and see what they were missing out on

You take on the role of Vaan, a young street urchin who happens to get tangled up in a grand adventure that has him teaming up with some of the best characters in Final Fantasy history, such as the lovable and charismatic Sky Pirate Balthier and his ferocious Viera companion, Fran, the disgraced and exiled Basch who seeks redemption, or Ashe, the princess of Dalmasca who lost everything she holds dear and tries her best to keep her homeland of Dalmasca united.

For anyone who missed out on Final Fantasy XII the first time around, or perhaps hasn't played it since it came out on the PS2, like myself, you owe it to yourself to re-experience this game all over again.

خوشم میاد چند جا دیدم به یه بازی با متای 92 و اون نقدای به طرز عجیبی مثبت میگن اندرریتد که البته منم کاملا موافقم .
جدا از اون تو این فکرم اگه بازی رو با 11 سال پیش با همین زودیاک سیستم منتشر میکرد منتقدا دیگه چه جوری از بازی تمجید میکردن !

vaan 2

کاربر سایت
Dec 20, 2009
Stevivor: 80

Final Fantasy XII was a great RPG, swapping out gunblades and epic, world-destroying storylines in favour of ones revolving around political intrigue; it remains as such. It’s as fun to play now as it was back in the dying stages of the PS2, and is perfect for returning fans or those who missed out previously. 85

EGM: 90

Final Fantasy XII released to mixed opinions when it first hit back in 2006, and even today, fans will still argue over where it deserves to land on a listing of the best chapters of the franchise. It received those opinions because it was a bold, daring, and different chapter of a series that up-ended our expectations for what Final Fantasy should be—and all these years later, those elements are part of the reason why I still think it’s one of the best entries we’ve ever received.

vaan 2

کاربر سایت
Dec 20, 2009
Gaming Age: 100

Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age gets its reputation from Final Fantasy XII being such a smash hit, along with incorporating the revisions in the International version. Add to that the updated graphics and orchestrated score, and you have what could safely be considered the definitive Final Fantasy XII experience. While not much can be done for the compressed voice work that was carried over, it's a tradeoff for having an updated version that offers a lot more than is worth getting hung up on part of the game's audio quality. I'd recommend this version any day of the week.

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