create a superstar smackdown vs raw 2008


کاربر سایت
Oct 2, 2007

[LEFT] 					 					Hair: 24 (86, -100, -50, 100)

Head (-24, -7, -40)
Forehead (0, 6, -17, 0)

Eyes: 1 (13, 0, -16)
Eyebrows: 1 (86, 0, -16)
Face skin: 6 (90, 3, -3)

Eyebrows (7, 11, -24, -4)
Eyes (-0, -30, -7, -6, 3, -7, -9)
Nose (0, 22, 33, 0, 7, 9, 0, 0)
Cheeks (0, -64, 38, 43)
Mouth (0, -26, 8, -10, -3, 4, 0)
Jaw (-12, 18, 0, 12, 5, -6)

Height: 5'7
Definition: 4

Neck (-45, 14, -6)
Chest (-9, -25, -55)
Shoulders (-31, -38, -6)
Abs (-3, -6, 0)
Arms (-37, -24, -7)
Legs (-26, -12, -14)

Underwear: 1 (-21, -100, 53)
Logos-wwe: 46, largest height and width, place on the butt (default)
Wristbands: 1 (-29, -25, -23, 100, 22)
Wristbands: 1 (-13, -100, -8, 100, 0)
Knee pads: 15 (-13, -100, 0, 100)
Boots: 1 (-27, -100, 48[/LEFT]


کاربر سایت
Oct 2, 2007
Armando Estrada

شرمنده این یکی عکس نداشت

 Hair: 4 (86, -100, -45)

Head (-29, -31, -45)

Eyes: 1 (-100, 0, -18)
Eyebrows: 4 (88, 0, -37)
Face skin: 6(82, 14, -11)
Facial hair Templates: 15 (90, 0, -25, 44)

Eyebrows (-45, 42, -31, -42)
Eyes (0, -11, 9, 0, 0, 0, 26)
Nose (-91, -58, 76, -44, -33, 38, 0, -74)
Cheeks (53, -43, 34, -36)
Mouth (7, 7, -48, 14, -29, 17, 22)
Jaw (22, 24, -36, 0, 0, -27)
Ears (45, -45, -6, 0)

Height: 6'2

Neck (-71, 27, -36)
Chest (-45, 38, -17)
Shoulders (-63, -69, 0)
Abs (-6, -5, -3)
Arms (-7, 0, 0)
Legs (-26, -3, 0)

Hat: 10 (79, 0, 40)
Tops: 26, tucked (-13, -23, 37)
Jackets: 1, closed (79, -22, 59)
Bottoms: 15 (81, -47, 88)
Boots: 1 (brown)
hand acc. both: 2 (black)

Voice: 5
Fighting style: Dirty, Striker
Sings: Use whatever

Name: Armando estrada
Nickname: ECW GM
Placement: Prefix
HUD: Estrada
Announce intro: Use anything
Hometown: Mexico (closest thing to Cuba)
Weight class: 230lbs
Crowd reaction: Bad
Show: ECW


کاربر سایت
Oct 2, 2007
Balls Mahoney

[LEFT] 					 					Head: 4, 0, 0
Forehead: -5, 14, 0, 0

Eyebrows: -51, 100, 29, -33
Eyes: -2, -61, -3, -16, 13, -38, -29
Nose: 30, -40, 63, 3, -3, -33, 19, -44
cheeks: 8, -74, 14, 21
Mouth: 92, -66, -40, -41, 66, 25, -11
Jaw: -22, 19, 14, 16, -5, 32
Ears: -3, 100, -66, 31
Age: 12

Body Type: 48
Neck: -100, 0, 0
Chest: 12, -3, 33
Shoulders: -100, -61, 0
Abdomen: 5, 48, 25
Waist: 17, 4
Arms: 0, 30, 19
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: 12, -9, 0
Feet: 38, 0 ,0

1. Definition: 5
2. Skin Tone: 2 (91, 1, 4)
3. Eye Type: 1 (98, 46, -13)
4. Eyebrows: 24 (88, 11, 9)
5. Eyelashes: Default
6. Lips: 1 (99, 9, 0)
7. Teeth: 2 Default
8. Hair: 72 (89, 11, -9)
9. Hacked Hair: 49 (Stylize: 2nd Hair) (89, 36, -37, -72)
10. Marks: 3 (92, 0, 0, 100)
11. Make-Up: 19 (92, 5, 0, 100)
12. Templates: 9 (89, 0, -21, 100)
13. Templates: 11 (90, 0, 0, 100)
14. Facials Features: 3 (92, 5, 0, 100)
15. Templates: 15 (90, 0, -8, 100)
16. Tattoo Arm: 71 Right arm (-33, -100, -42, 17)
17. Tattoo Arm: 10 Left arm (-100, 0, 0, 32)
18. Arms/Wrists: 1 (-16, -100, -80, 98, 20)
19. Wrestling Tights: 1 (-13, -100, -80, 100, 69)
20. Piercings: 12 (Stylize: Left eyebrow)
21. Elbows: 2 Right arm (-18, -100), -80, 100)
22. Hands: 7 (-16, -100, -75, 100)
23. Boots/Shoes: 2 (Stylize: Medium) (-13, -100, -80)
24. Bottoms: 3 (-17, -100, -31)
25. Tops: 13 (-13, -100, -79)
26. Tops: 22 (-13, -100, -80, 5)
27. Design: 15 4th H/V (99, 55, 19, 100) Right side of shirt design
28. Design: 109 3rd H/V (98, 55, 19, 100) Middle front of shirt
29. Design: 22 Rotate x2 4th H/V (98, 55, 19, 100)
30. Tattoo Arm: Left arm 49 (-100, 7, 0, 16) Left side of shirt design
31. Design: 7 4th H/3rd V (92, -42, 21, 11) Forehead
32. Design: 8 Rotate x1 2nd H/4th V (92, -40, 18, 15) Cover nose[/LEFT]


کاربر سایت
Oct 2, 2007
Kevin Thorn

 					 					[Head Morphing]
Head 50, 100, 45
Forehead -10, 25, -35, 30

[Face Morphing]
Eyebrows -90, 30, 10, 45
Eyes -5, -25, -14, -100, 40, 5, 33
Nose 40, 14, 45, -25, -55, -55, -60, 30
Cheeks 35, 30, 45, -4
Mouth 60, -35, -60, 20, 15, -35, -95
Jaw -10, -10, 10, 22, 95, 80
Ears 5, -27, -29, -8

Body Type -35
[Body Morphing]
Neck -90, 40, 40
Chest 25, 20, 55
Shoulders -60, 35, 25
Abs -10, 43, 23
Waist 55, 55
Arms -25, 50, 50
Hands Default
Legs 0, 22, 22
Feet Default

Height: 6'3''


(Edit the following):
Definition 5
Skin Tone 11
Default Eye (Maybe a tad bit brighter)
Eyebrows 1 (92, 11, 8)
Default Eyelashes
Default Lips
Default Teeth (or fangs)
Hair 12 (stylize no. 2) (-100, -10, -55)

(Basic Attire):
Default Underwear
Sideburns 7 (90, 10, -18, 100)
Face Design (Smallest Hor/Largest vert) (Place in the middle of chin below lip for the goatee) (-85, 80, -40, 50)
Facial Hair Templates 16 (90, 38, -4, 34)
Sideburns 3 (89, 34, 0, 15)
Make-up 11 (Stylize thinner) (89, 0, 25, 70)
Elbow pads 7 (-100, -100, -70, 100)
Wristbands 3 (-100, -100, -100, 100, 44)
Gloves 9 (-100, -100, -100, 100)
Wrestling Attire 14 (-100, 100, 100, 100)
Tights 16 (88, -40, 47, 100) (colour may vary)
Tights 1 (-100, 100, 100, 100, 6)
Wrestling Attire 12 (-13, -78, -78)
Kneepads 8 (-100, -100, -100, 100)
Kneepads 5 (-100, -100, -100, 100)
Boots 30 Color 1(-24, -100, -70) Color 2(-100, 100, 30)

White: (-17, -95, 53, 100) This is a basic colour for white one back, side and chest designs (you may have to edit it to you own liking and to blend in)

(Next layers are for the red outlines and chest design)
Torso Design/Symbol 103 (2nd Smallest Horizontal,Largest vertical) (Move under straps on the chest, see help pic, move under wrestling attires once done for the red outline) (100, 100, 45, 100)
Copy previous design and place on the other strap.

Torso Design 93 (2nd smallest hor. 2nd largest hor.) (White) Place in middle of chest, see help pic.
Torso Design 97 (Rotate 1x, 2nd largest vert, 2nd smallest hor.) (-100, 100, 40, 100) This continue's red outline. see help pic.
Torso Design 97 (Largest hor, 2nd smallest vert) (88, -54, 38, 100) place over red, see help pic.
Torso Design 97 (Largest hor, 2nd smallest vert) (88, -54, 38, 100) same placement but to the left or right, see help pic.
Torso Design 103 (see help pic for placement and size) (88, -54, 38, 100)
Torso Design 18 (Rotate 2x so its upsideown, smallest both ways) (White) (Place at the left side of the heart like in the help pic)
Torso Design 124 (Rotate 2x, 2nd smallest vert, smallest hor) (Place to the right of heart sode a bit pokes out like in the help pic) (White)
For KT within the heart just use Torso>Alphabet page 9 capitals, choose each one seperately so you can place them close together (see help pic for sizing and placement)

[b]Help Pic[/b]: [img][/img]

(Side Designs, see help pics for SIZING AND PLACEMENT, sorry for not including sizing, its a massive formula and you people are capable of doing this yourselves)
Torso Design 9 (Default white, make brighter if you feel the need)
Torso Design 46 (Default white, make brighter if you feel the need)
Torso Design 46 (Default white, make brighter if you feel the need) Make it interlock with the previous design.
Torso Design 103 (-75, -100, -34, 100) move under the two 46 designs.
Torso Design 119 (-99, 0, 0, 100)

Copy previous 5 designs on the other side.

[b]Help Pic:[/b] [img][/img]

(Back Designs)

Tattoo Back 17 (White) (non moveable)
Back Designs 103 (rotate 1x, largest hor. 2nd largest vert) (place on lower back, to cover up and shorten the previous tattoo) (-18, -70, -33, 100)
Back Design 18 (2nd largest vert, 2nd smallest hor.) (White) (place over the tattoo 17 up the top, see help pic)
Same as previous but rotate 2x and move down, see help pic.
Back Design 38 (rotate 3x, 2nd smallest vert, 2nd smallest hor) (Black) (Place at top over in the middle, see help pic)
Previous design but rotate 2x and move down.
Back Design 119 (Rose.. Rotate 2x, see help pic for placement + sizing) (Red)
Optional ---- Back Design 97, place make round and small.. Place over rose to take some of the middle out (make red)

[b]Help Pic:[/b] [img][/img]

(Boots are quite simple really, sorry I wont go into much detail but the pic explains it all really)

Leg Design 103 (dont rotate, make pretty big, watch the vertical, watch out it doesn't go onto the upper leg if its to long) (see help pic, overlap them on the boots to create the red strips down the side of the boots)
Leg Design 108 (White) (Place randomly down the boot, see help pic for placement and size)

[b]Help Pic:[/b] [img][/img]


کاربر سایت
Oct 2, 2007
Kofi Kingston

 					 					Head: 14, -11, 0
Forehead: 5, 84, 66, -80

Eyebrows: 16, -77, -55, -55
Eyes: -9, -70, -31, -37, 20, -24, -27
Nose: 50, 13, -35, -29, 18, 27, 16, 39
Cheeks: -40, -56, -40, -10
Mouth: 63, -26, -48, -21, 44, 18, -41
Jaw: -26, 34, 2, -35, -46, 7
Ears: 11, 4, 0, 4

Neck: -10, 0, 0
Shoulders: -100, -60, 0
Abdomen: 0, 14, 0
Waist: 24, 0

Height: 6' 4"

1. Definition: 1
2. Skin Tone: 6 (90, 12, -29)
3. Eye Type: 1 (88, 48, -26)
4. Eyebrows: 6 (86, 0, -25)
5. Eyelashes: Default
6. Lips: 1 (99, 5, -20)
7. Teeth: Default
8. Hair: 70 (80, 0, -11, 100)
9. Hacked Hair: 40 (100, 0, -8) Entrance + Cut Scene Only
10. Knee Pads 14 (75, 100, 40, 100)
11. Socks: 1 (-13, -100, -100, 100, 44)
12. Socks: 1 (76, 29, 42, 100, 40)
13. Underwear: 4 (74, 5, 47)
14. Arms/Wrists: 1 (100, 0, -100, 100, 7)
15. Arm Accessories: 2 (39, 100, 100, 100)
16. Arms/Wrists: 1 (37, 78, -62, 100, 0)
17. Goatee: 14 (85, 0, -11, 100)
18. Make-Up: 18 (90, -5, -25, 100)
19. Templates: 12 (87, 0, -25, 17)
20. Make-Up: 19 (92, 14, -25, 51)
21. Underwear: 4 (Stylize: Left x1) (76, 21, 40, 100)
22. WWE: 10 Rotate x2 4th H/3rd V (41, 100, 0, 100) Right hip
23. WWE: 10 Rotate x2 3rd H/V (-33, 0, -100, 100) Right hip
24. WWE: 10 Rotate x2 4th H/3rd V (34, 100, 5, 100) Left hip
25. WWE: 10 Rotate x2 3rd H/V (-33, 0, -100, 100) Left hip
26. WWE: 38 Rotate x2 4th H/3rd V (-19, 44, 0, 100) Centered on butt, slightly to the right
27. WWE: 42 Rotate x3 4th H/3rd V (41, 66, 0, 65) Side of right foot
28. WWE: 42 Rotate x1 4th H/3rd V (49, 49, 0, 77) Side of left foot
29. Design: 97 Rotate x1 3rd H/V (-22, -100, -31, 95) Tip of right foot
30. Design: 97 Rotate x1 3rd H/V (-19, -100, -31, 95) Tip of left foot
31. Bottoms: 19 1st Color (-20, -100, -18) 2nd Color (Yellow) Entrance + Cut Scene Only
32. Tops: 40 (Stylize: Short Sleeve) (Pattern: 3) (-65, 100, -92) Entrance + Cut Scene Only


کاربر سایت
Oct 2, 2007



Head: 15, 12, 10
Forehead: default


Eyebrows: -67, -100, 0, 36
Eyes: 0, 3, -1, 6, 1, 0, -5
Nose: -5, 33, 92, 0, 79, -69, 0, 29
Cheeks: -31, 0, -34, 39
Mouth: 11, 14, -15, 0, 10, -13, -33
Jaw: -41, -11, -4, -37, -24, -29
Ears: default
Skin Aging: 0



Neck: -48, 0, 0
Chest: 0, 4, 0
Bust: 33, 0, 26
Shoulder: -36, 7, 0
Abdomen: 1, 6, 0
Waist: 11, 22
Arms: -44, 7, 7
Hands: default
Legs: -14, 4, 4
Feet: default



1. Definition: 1
2. Skin Tone: 1 ( 89, 11, 3 )
3. Eye Type: 1 ( 89, 40, -11 )
4. Eyebrows: 35 ( 86, 0, -24 )
5. Eyelashes: 2 ( 85, 0, -100 )
6. Lips: 2 ( 97, 0, 0 )
7. Teeth: default
8. Hair: 26 ( 86, 10, -48, -48 )

9. Underwear: 6 Stylize: click right once ( -13, -100, 8 )
10. Socks: 9 ( -13, -100, -8, 100, 94 )
11. Arms/Wrists -> Wristbands -> Right Arm: 20 ( 89, -46, 4, 100 )
12. Face Paint: 100 ( 89, 61, 27, 3 )
13. Boots/Shoes: 21 ( -33, -100, 81 )
14. Belts: 28 ( -100, 40, -16, 100 )
15. Tops: 11 ( -13, -100, 15 )
16. Tops: 4 ( -100, -5, -2, 100 )
17. Design: 92 ( 90, -42, 48, 100 ) Largest H, 2nd Smallest V. Move to the center of her chest to create a V-neck on the white top. 
help pics here:

18. Marks: 3 ( 92, 7, -14, 37 )
19. Make-Up: 19 ( 91, 11, 0, 100 )
20. Make-Up: 1 ( 100, 0, -18, 56 )
21. Make-Up: 5 ( 100, -100, -73, 36 )


کاربر سایت
Oct 2, 2007
Matt Striker

[LEFT] ****Head**** 
-Head Morphing-
Head: -14,5,5
Forehead: 0,69,64,0

-Face Morphing- 
Eyebrows: -69,6,0,-37
Eyes: 0,46,-33,53,31,0,-12
Nose: 0,36,0,0,19,-47,0,42
Cheeks: -100,-57,0,42
Mouth: 100,-41,-100,-24,26,25,-50
Jaw: -41,-24,10,-37,-32,-26
Ears: 22,43,5,1
Skin Aging: 27

Height: 5'10"

Body Type: 0
-Body Morphing-
Neck: -100,36,36
Chest: 21,-3,7
Shoulders: -84,-24,0
Abdomen: -39,4,24
Waist: 0,0
Arms: -29,-6,0
Hands: -19,-17,-19
Legs: -29,0,0
Feet: -17,-12,-4


01. Definition: 5/9
02. Skin Tone: 1/12: Custom Color: X: 94 Y: 3 Shade: -2
03. Eye Type: 2/9: Normal: Custom Color: X: 8 Y: -50 Shade: -4
04. Eyebrows: 37/38: Custom Color: X: 86 Y: -18 Shade: 11
05. Eyelashes: 1/15: Custom Color: X: 85 Y: 0 Shade: 0
06. Lips: 7/16: Custom Color: X: 97 Y: -11 Shade: -11
07. Teeth: 1/14: Custom Color: X: 87 Y:0 Shade: 0
08. Hair: 6/73: Custom Color: X:86 Y: 7 Shade: -7
09. Underwear: 1/31: Default
10. Goatee: 12/14: Custom Color: X: 90 Y: -18 Shade: -10 Alpha: 4
11. Sideburns: 14/17: Custom Color: X: 89 Y: -13 Shade: -4 Alpha: 0
12. Templates: 17/26: Custom Color: X: 89 Y: -13 Shade: -4 Alpha: 30
13. Facial Features: 1/9: Custom Color: X: 89 Y: 27 Shade: -19 Alpha: 32
14. Make-Up: 18/19: Custom Color: X: 91 Y: -18 Shade: -30 Alpha: 40
15. Arm Accessories: 3/12: Custom Color: X: -36 Y: 0 Shade: 0 Alpha: 100
16. Boots/Shoes:23/33: Custom Color: X: -13 Y: -100 Shade: -55
17. Tops: 32/40: Tucked In: Custom Color: X: -13 Y: -51 Shade: -5
18. Bottoms: 30/42: Custom Color: X: -13 Y: -100 Shade: -55
19. Body Accessories: 2/17: Red One: Custom Color: X: -43 Y: -100 Shade:-23 Alpha: 100

20. Jackets: 1/21: Open Up: Custom Color: X: 82 Y: -100 Shade: -18
21. Logos: WWE: 47/47: Smallest Vertical, Smallest Horizontal*See Help Pics*     Custom Color: X:-20 Y:0 Shade: 0 Alpha: 100

**Employment Application Form** 
Name: Matt Striker
Nick Name: Default
Nick Name Placement: None
HUD Name: Matt Striker 
Announcer Introduction: Matthew
Hometown: New York
Gender: Male
Weight Class: 231 LBS. (Light Heavyweight)
Crowd Reaction: Bad
Show: ECW
Voice: 2
Match Specialty: None
Fighting Style 1: Technical
Fighting Style 2: Dirty
-Crowd Signs-
Sign 1: 15/18(Get A Haircut)**** Sign 2: 17/18(I'm With Stupid-->)****
Sign 3: 17/18(Vince For President)**** Sign 4: 16/18(The Guy Behind Me Can't See)[/LEFT]


کاربر سایت
Oct 2, 2007
Mike Knox

شرمنده این یکی عکس نداشت
 					 					Hair: 16 (83, 0, -18)

Head (-27, -14, -64)
Forehead (0, 19, -16, -69)

Eyes: 1 (13, 0, -13)
Eyebrows: 1 (86, 0, 15)
Face skin: 1 (90, 0, 4)
Facial hair templates: 19 (86, 0, -12, 100)
Sideburns: 16 (90, 0, -33, 3)
Goatee: 12 (86, 0, -36, 100)

Eyebrows (-100, -34, 15, -8)
Eyes (0, -8, -9, 5, -4, -18, -5)
Nose (0, -33, 7, -3, 17, 7, -10, 0)
Cheeks (0, 36, -9, -9)
Mouth (-1, -14, -6, -8, -6, -7, 0)
Jaw (6, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0)
Ears (-19, -7, 0, 0)

Height: 6'6
Definition: 5

Neck (-29, 14, 0)
Chest (-36, -6, 7)
Shoulders (-29, -9, -4)
Abs (-15, 10, 7)
Waist (-10, -8)
Arms (-33, 13, 0)
Hands (-10, -5, -6)
Legs (-22, -7, -7)
Feet (-5, -5, 0)

Wristbands: 1 (-13, -23, -85, 100, 13)
Underwear: 4, largest (-20, 8, -23)
Kneepads: 14 (-100, -100, -81, 100)
Boots: 1 (default


کاربر سایت
Oct 2, 2007
Stevie Richards

Head Morphing-

Head: (0, -26, -23) 
Forehead: (0, 0, 21, 25)

-Face Morphing-

Eyebrows: (-33, 60, -100, -48)
Eyes: (-33, 10, 10, 37, 20, 0, -22) 
Nose: (0, 50, 11, -28, -45, -38, 5, 11)
Mouth: (40, -34, -32, -100, 15, -55, -4)
Nose: (0, 50, 11, -28, -45, -38, 5, 11)
Cheeks: (-100, 0, -100, -100)
Mouth: (40, -34, -32, -100, 15, -55, -4)
Jaw: (41, 38, -25, -100, 25, 11)
Ears: (-40, 42, -30, 0)
Skin Aging: 33


Body Type: 0


Neck: (-42, 13, 9)
Chest: (23, -22, 0)
Shoulder: (-79, -48, -61)
Abdomen: (-59, 26, 0)
Waist: (-9, 4)
Arms: (-83, -29, 9)
Hands: (-20, -20, -20)
Legs: (9, -9, -4)
Feet: (-45, -12, -9)

Body Height: 185cm


1) Definition 5 
2) Face tone: 11 (90,3,9)
3) Eye type: 1 (44,14,-9)
4) Eyebrows: 21 (88,13,-5)
5) Eyelashes: Default
6) Lips: 14 (95, 11, -5)
7) Teeth: Default
8) Hair: 26 (89, 19, -7, -100)
9) Underwear: 3
10) Tops 22 (-100,-100, 26, 100, Length 12)
11) Facial Features 3 (92,6,-3,100)
12) Templates 16 (89,4,-3,30)
13) Templates 12 (89,12,9,100)
14) Bottoms 2 (-6,3,-7)
15) Boots 3rd Style (-100,-100,-74)
16) Socks 1 (-100,-100, 16, 100,17)
*for layers 17-20 use the front part of the help pic*
17) Tops --> Design 105 Smallest Vertical Biggest Horizontal (-27,-34,30,100) 
18) Tops --> Alphabet 1 'b' (-27, -34, 30, 100) Make big enough to fit all 3 letters in the box 
19) Tops --> Alphabet 1'W' (-27, -34, 30, 100)
20) Tops --> Alphabet 1 'o' (-27, -34, 30, 100)
21) Make-up: 19/19 (90, 2, 0, 100)
22) Make-up: 18/19 (90, -16, 14, 100)
23) Head Symbols: 99/141 2nd smallest horizontal, smallest vertical Place under nose (90, -50, 15, 50)
24) Gloves 7 Right only (-100,-100,-68)
25) Wristbands 1 (-13,3,-30,100,20)

**Employment Application Form** 
Name: Stevie Richards
Nick Name: Big Stevie Cool 
Nick Name Placement: Prefix
HUD: Stevie Cool
Announcer Introduction: Steven
Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 
Gender: Male
Weight Class: 86 kg
Crowd Reaction: Good
Show: ECW
Voice: 1 
Match Specialty: ECW Extreme Rules
Fighting Style 1: Technical
Fighting Style 2: Hardcore
Crowd Signs: Any


کاربر سایت
Oct 2, 2007

[LEFT] <---Head/Face--->

[Face Parts]

Hair: 54, 90,0,-28
Eyes: 1, 92,34,-20
Eyebrows: 37, 87,0,-13
Lips: 1, 99,3,-3
Skin Tones: 10, 92,6,-7
Teeth: default
Face Paint: 83, 92,-4,-20,100
Make Up: 19,92,8,-9,100
Facial Features: 2, 92,-6,-13,100
Facial Hair: Templates 21, 86,0,-14,85
Facial Hair: Goatee 11,86,0,-7,83

[Head Morphing]

Head: -11,5,3
Forehead: 0,-92,2,-22

[Face Morphing]

Eyebrows: -100,-74,45,34
Eyes: 37,-6,-18,-100,28,0,-10
Nose: 28,18,-18,-11,6,25,-3,20
Cheeks: -5,-32,80,-28
Mouth: 54,-22,-77,7,-14,1,-56
Jaw: 90,54,33,17,6,65
Ears: -14,45,-45,-33
Skin Aging: 0



Body Type: 26

[Advanced Options]

Neck: -80,50,79
Chest: 0,4,36
Shoulder: -90,6,13
Abdomen: 0,30,35
Waist: 30,35
Hands: 3,8,7
Legs: -83,16,16
Feet: 0,0,0
Definition: 1
Body Hair:
Body Height: 5'10


Wrestling Attire: 17, 13,-100,-62,100


Design Left arm 120, -33,0,-100,27
Design Symbol 8, longest length, smallest height, USE TWO TO WRAP AROUND EACH BICEPT TO CREATE ARMBAND TATOO"S
Gloves 6, 13,-100,0,100

Tights: 1, 92,-30,-14,100,100
Underwear 4, 13, -100, -88,100


Boots 2 second smallest,13,-100,-75

<---Body Art--->

<---Layers & Extras--->

[A.I. Fighting Style]

A.I. Fighting Style 1: technichal

A.I. Fighting Style 2: submission

[A.I. Fighting Style: Advanced]

Irish Whip:
Diving Moves:

[Crowd Signs]
Sign 1: ECW
Sign 2: TAP OUT
Sign 4: SABU


Name: TAZZ
Nickname Placement:
Announcer Introduction: you pick
Hometown: New York City
Gender: Male
Weightclass: light heavyweight
Match Tactic: either or
Show: ECW
Match Speciality: you pick[/LEFT]


کاربر سایت
Oct 2, 2007
Sgt. Slaughter

 					 					Hair:52/73 100,0,-15
Eyes:2/9 -19,39
Eyebrows:14/38 88,-100
Lips:15/16 95,0
Skin Tones:5/12 Default
Eyelashes:15/15 Default
Teeth:1/15 Default

[Head Morphing]


[Face Morphing]

Skin Aging:25

[Make-Up]18/19 -100,-100,-75,10


Body Type:40

[Advanced Options]

Body Skin:3/9 Default
Body Hair:Arms 1/4 Default
Body Height:6'6

(1st) Ring Attire 13/18 -100,-100,-100

[Tops](1st) Ring Attire 13/18 -100,-100,-100(2nd)1/40 Pattern 8 40,50,-40 ;(3rd) 12/40 -100,-100,-100

[Armwear]Elbow Pad 1/10 -100,-11,-20; Wrist Bands 3/20 -100,-100,-100,8

[Bottoms]Ring Attire Covers His Legs..

[Belt] 17/31 70,20,-65

[Underwear] 15/31 Default

[Shoes]29/33 70,20,-65

[Hat] 9/21 70,20,-65

[Logo 4 Hat] Go To WWE symbol And Look For 4/47, Make It Regular Yellow

[Glasses] 27/33 Make It Regular Black
(Should Only Be On Entrance AND CUTSCENE)

[Accessories] 1/17 Make It Regular White

<---Body Art--->

<---Layers & Extras--->

[A.I. Fighting Style]

A.I. Fighting Style 1: Powerhouse

A.I. Fighting Style 2: Showman

[A.I. Fighting Style: Advanced]

Irish Whip:Your Pick
Diving Moves:Your Pick
Taunt:Make Sure He Has SALUTE

[Crowd Signs]
Sign 1:Da Boss Is Here
Sign 2:Da Boss Is Here
Sign 3:Your're My Superstar
Sign 4:Your're My Superstar


Name:Sgt. Slaughter
HUD Name:Slaughter
Nickname:American Hero
Nickname Placement:Prefix
Announcer Introduction:The Hero, Or Soldier
Hometown:Columbus, South Carolina
Weightclass:Super Heavyweight
Match Tactic:Your Pick
Match Speciality:Last Man Standing


کاربر سایت
Oct 2, 2007
فرشید خان اینم از اینا فقط nunzio رو پیدا نکردم
داداش مارو بیشتر از این شرمنده نکن
همین کافیه که اینا به درتون بخوره و از اونا استفاده کنین
بازم اگه بود بگو برات بزارم
موفق باشید


کاربر سایت
Dec 16, 2005
خواهش میکنم پوریا جان مرسی خیلی زحمت کشیدی فعلا کس خواصی مد نظرم نیست اگه کس جدیدی بیاد به wwe به کمکت نیاز دارم باز هم ممنون بابت همه زحماتت دست درد نکنه منم اگه کاری باشه در خدمتم.
موفق باشی


کاربر سایت
Dec 16, 2005
سلام پوریا جان خوبی
عزیز مرسی خیلی هاشو درست کردم بعضی هاش خیلی شباهت داره
عزیز اگه پیدا کردی lance cade را برام بزار میدونم قبلا پیدا نکردی اما اگه دیدی ممنون میشم
خوش باشی


کاربر سایت
Dec 16, 2005
سلام پوریا جان یک زحمت برات دارم میشه یک لطفی بکنی ببینی میتونی lance cade را برام پیدا کنی شاید جدید گزاشته شده باشه مرسی

کاربرانی که این قسمت را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
or ثبت‌نام سریع از طریق سرویس‌های زیر