راهنمایی در هر بازی


کاربر سایت
Nov 4, 2006
دوست گرامی من راهنمای انگلیسی رو گیر اوردم که تو این لینک هست اگه ببینیش و بگی که کجاست من بخونم تا بهت بگم.

من قسمتي كه توش گير كردم رو پيدا كردم
اگه زحمتي نيست ببينيد كجا اشاره كرده كه دو تا كماندار هستن و تو اون قسمت چطوري بايد دروازه رو باز كنم

---Taka Pass---
I'm pretty sure I don't have to tell you what this place looks like.
Go around the north side and enter the cave to the north. Waka will
show up and he decides to test you... AGAIN.
This fight is basically the same as the first. He has a few new
tricks, like teleporting around the arena rapidly and throwing swords
and flying around the arena quickly with his sword, but that's all. In
fact, that's all that's new about this fight. Otherwise, just pummel
him like last time.
After he's thoroughly pummeled, Waka will tell you that he's looking
for the Serpent Crystal and that you might find it at the big windmill
up on the hill. Then he'll fly off in his usual French fashion. Go up
the wooden walkway here and go through the long cave onto a ridge above
Taka Pass. Go to the Guardian Sapling you can see at one end and,
after fixing the bridge to it, Bloom it. Watch the evil be blown away
as usual. Naturally, if you want there's a lot to do around Taka Pass
like Devil Gates, but all you need to do is jump off the ridge and exit
Taka Pass to the east, to Kusa Village (the place with the big
---Kusa Village---
As soon as you get into this place, your ink will start draining 'cause
the whole place is cursed. So run REALLY fast up the trail to your
right as you enter the village square, the one that goes UP and winds
around to the top of the Village. Run down the trail, across the
wooden walkway, and to the large house up the stone steps. Talk to the
girl in front of the house and she'll say that she's being possessed by
a demon. You'll have to fight a Blue Imp and a few Green Imps, be
mindful that brush powers won't work, and finish it quickly before you
have to fight with no weapon. Once the Imps are dead, the girl will
get rid of all the evil in the area. She'll introduce herself as
Princess Fuse, and she'll tell you that the reason for all the evil in
the area is Crimson Helm, who has stopped the Divine Wind blowing down
into the village. She'll tell you that only the Canine Warriors can
stop him, and she gives you the Canine Tracker to help find them. You
will have to find five in the village. Before you do, though, visit
the shop as it has the Level 3 Reflector, Infinity Judge (bah,
Reflector users get all the luck, getting them all so early...).
Anyway, the Canine Warriors are in the places that follow: 1. Wall
jump up the wall with a ladder against it (near Susano) and Cherry Bomb
the wall. Feed the dog in here a Meat Feedbag (you'll have to open the
menu and use it yourself, the feed option won't appear). 2. Go to the
square, and in a depression there's a small patch of cursed soil. Get
rid of it and the dog will appear. Feed it like usual. 3. Go up the
trail leading to Fuse's house, but lash to the bud near the second
switchback on the trail and go around the wooden walkway near the bud
into a cave, where you'll find the dog. 4. Near Mr. Bamboo's house at
the end of the trail Susano's relaxing... I mean, meditating on,
there's a stalk of bamboo glowing with a strange light. Cut the bamboo
and feed the dog that comes out. DON'T think this dog is somewhere in
the shop (I did because the glowing bamboo is irritatingly right below
the shop, and the Canine Tracker won't tell you up and down). When you
have these 4, return to Fuse's house and you'll find the fifth in
front, and he'll challenge you to a fight.
This is more of a mini-boss, I guess. Tei has two attacks: one, he'll
howl and glow yellow, then he'll dash FAST at you, and two, he'll howl
and glow blue and launch a four to five hit combo against you. He
performs the combo the same way Amaterasu does with a Reflector, so you
should be familiar with what it looks like. He has a lot of health and
defense, not a problem if you're using Infinity Judge but Rosary users
may wish to use Cherry Bomb whenever you can to speed the fight along.
Note that he's invincible while doing the yellow howl thing, so
tempting as it is don't try to bomb him while he's doing this.
When you're done, Fuse will come out and find you and Tei fighting.
She'll stop you, then she'll scold all the Canine Warriors for not
coming when she called them (look at 'em all hang their heads HAHA).
Fuse will mark on your map where the other three are. For sake of it
being the closest, go for the one near Taka Pass.
---Taka Pass---
In the north, you can find a gate like the one near Sakuya's tree and a
man trying to push a solid rock face (what is it with people and
pushing stuff that obviously can't be pushed!?!?). Go through the
gate, however, and the rock face will disappear and you can get through
---Sasa Sanctuary---
Just get close to this place and the sparrows here will shoo you away,
mentioning something about the boss sparrow's kidnapped daughter.
There's a save point and a sneaky clover up on a ridge in the
southwest, but otherwise nothing to do here. YES, it is necessary that
you come here. Get out of here now.
---Taka Pass---
Now, go to the Cutter's house a little east of the entrance to Sasa
Sanctuary on the north side of Taka Pass. Come to the house at night-
time, though, 'cause otherwise all you can do is be chased by Mr.
Cutter. At night, jump up onto a ledge on the north side of the house
and Cherry Bomb the flimsy looking boards. Drop down the gaping hole
into the house. In here, you can talk to Mrs. Cutter if you want, but
what you need to do is grab Mrs. Cutter (with Triangle) and drag her
into the shaft of moonlight coming in through the hole you just busted.
Mrs. Cutter is apparently a monster, and you'll have to fight her and
Mr. Cutter. They are Crow Tengu. When you beat them, Chun (the boss
sparrow's daughter) will pop out. Go back to Sasa Sanctuary with her.
---Sasa Sanctuary---
Chun will arrange for you to be let in to the hotel. Go ahead and go
in. You can go up the stairs at the back of the place and up the
elevator to talk to the boss and get a zillion treasures he gives you
for rescuing Chun. All you need to do, though, is go out the side
entrance of the hotel to a hot spring. Or rather, a hot, because
there's no spring. Or rather, a nothing because there's no hot either.
Talk to the Bath Attendant, and after attempting to fry his own head a
couple of times to get the spring going, Mr. Bamboo will show up and
offer to help. Mini-Game FUNTIME!!! Dig through the blocks and get
Mr. Bamboo to the bottom. All the techniques you can use here are on
the fifth page of the instructions you'll be given. When you get to
the bottom, Mr. Bamboo will stop on a block and the block will start
shining. Dig there and the spring will flow again. Back at the
surface, another constellation will appear and Nuregami will give you
the power of Waterspout. Issun will make you test it on the flaming
Bath Attendant and he'll make you create a Power Spring. When you're
done, Waterspout some water from the hot spring into the huge green
deer scare near the spring and the door to the north will open. Go
through it and follow the path first to a sparrow wigging out about his
lost dog Take, and second to a bamboo forest with more glowing bamboo
like before. Go into the brush pad and cut the one that is glowing,
don't mind about how it changes, just cut the one that's glowing at
that particular time. When you do, the Canine Warrior Gi (Take) will
come out and challenge you like Tei did.
This is only different from the Tei fight in that Gi will sometimes dig
huge holes in the battlefield. Don't fall in these holes because
you'll get stuck and Gi will run over and pee on you which causes you
to lose all your ink. No, seriously, he does. No foolin'.
When Gi is defeated, he'll tell you that he can't come to Fuse because
the he needs to protect the sparrows here. However, his Duty Power Orb
will be yours for some reason. Be sure you feed Take (AKA Gi).
Anyway, on to the next dog, in Agata.
---Agata Forest---
Thought you were done in Agata? Sorry, no. Go north along the western
edge of the area and through a gate and up to a spring where you'll
find Kushi trying to fill a huge bucket full of spring water. Use
Waterspout to fill the bucket all the way up. Then, while Kushi is
futilely trying to lug the huge bucket all the way to Kamiki, a whole
mess of Imps show up. So does Susano. You get to have another Power
Slash game with Susano, cutting all the imps. When you're done, Susano
will finally realize that he's getting help, however he thinks it's
because his sword is possessed rather than you helping him. Then he'll
run off without even helping Kushi with the colossal bucket. No time
to worry about them, though, because Kokari will apparently be in
trouble again. Go over to the fishing spot where you first found him
just in time to see him catch a fish so ****ing huge it's hard to
believe. Play another fishing mini-game with him, ending with him
catching Whopper, the huge fish. He takes two slices to kill for
whatever reason. Since Whopper swallowed the moon reflected on the
water (MRotW), the MRotW will come back. However, there is only a
MRotW and not an actual moon in the sky. So, you get to draw one in.
Draw a crescent moon like the MRotW (you can probably see why I
abbreviated it now). I actually had a problem with this. Make sure
you draw a ")" shape, not a "(" shape. Also, draw it up-to-down, from
12 o'clock to 6 o'clock. When it is drawn correctly, you get to
constellationize, meet Yumigami and he'll give you the power of
Crescent. Then, Whopper will spit up Ume, who is apparently one of the
Canine Warriors. You'll have to fight him too.


کاربر سایت
Aug 20, 2007
كمك در مورد پرينس آو پرشيا 2 و هالف لايو اپيسود وان

در مورد شاهزاده ميخواستم ببينم بعد از اينكه نقاب از روي صورت پرينس ور داشته ميشه و كالينا رو ميندازه توي شن ها بازي تموم ميشه يا باز هم بازي ادامه داره ؟ اگه ادامه داره بايد كجا برم و يا چه كار كنم ؟:(

و سوال در مورد هالف لايف اپيسود وان

در مرحله ی اولhalf life2:episode one هنگامی که آسانسور در حال سقوطکردن است چه کار باید کنیم؟


کاربر سایت
Jul 16, 2007
من متن انگلیسی جایی که گیر کردم و پیدا کردم( البته فکر کنم همون جا باشه) اگه کسی بتونه ترجمه کنه ممنون میشم:

Open the double door and sneak over to the left behind the hedges, equip your
microphone and aim it at the elevator as they take it up. Keep it aimed on the
lift as it reaches the top and the conversation will eventually end. Stick to
the shadows and head along the left wall, grab the medical kit on the wall to
the left of the doors ahead. Watch the walkways for the guards and then quickly
dart across to the other side and climb the wall just inside the shadow. Save
your game at the top of the fence


کاربر سایت
Feb 2, 2007
در مورد شاهزاده ميخواستم ببينم بعد از اينكه نقاب از روي صورت پرينس ور داشته ميشه و كالينا رو ميندازه توي شن ها بازي تموم ميشه يا باز هم بازي ادامه داره ؟ اگه ادامه داره بايد كجا برم و يا چه كار كنم ؟:(

و سوال در مورد هالف لايف اپيسود وان

در مرحله ی اولhalf life2:episode one هنگامی که آسانسور در حال سقوطکردن است چه کار باید کنیم؟

در مورده prince بايد بگم كه مشكل يا از ram كامپوترع يا تو بازي ار ترينر بازي مي كني كه گير كردي و بازي تموم نمي شه همي نجا بازي بايد تموم بشه و اگر هم كه شمشير آب رو پيدا كرده با شي با dahaka مي جنگي :biggrin1:


کاربر سایت
Nov 3, 2005
دوستان كسي بازي Battlefield 2142رو بازي كرده؟چطوري بايد قفلهاي سلاح ها وابزار ديگه روباز كرد يه كدهايي پيدا كردم كه باعث شدند درجه مدال بالا بره ولي هيچ كدوم از سلاح هاروباز نكرد دوستاني كه قفلارو باز كردند ميشه راهنمايي كنند اگه سيو يا كد مخصوصي هم هست ممنون ميشم بزاريد.


کاربر سایت
May 10, 2007

تو God of War 1 ائنجایی که باید دو تا سپر پیدا کنیم و بذاریم تو دست سربازایی که رو دیوارن و تو عکس دارن از جعبه پارادوما محافظت می کنند (بعد از اونجا که آرتمیس اون شمشیر خفنرو بهمون میده) یکی از سپرا رو پیدا کردن ولی هر جا رو گشتم اونیکی رو پیدا نکردمئ


کاربر سایت
May 10, 2007
من در بازی


یک جایی یک اقایی هست که اموزش میده اولیش تیر اندازی هست و دومیش دور یک ماشین باید بگردی و تیر اندازی کنی ؟ اما ماشین دوم رو نمیدونم باید چیکارش کنم ؟ لطفا منو راهنمایی کنید و اگر بعد اون هم مرحله ای دارد هم اون رو هم توضیح بدید
دوستون دارم


کاربر سایت
Aug 18, 2007
تو ابلیویون بعد از اینکه پسر پادشاهو تو kvatch پیدا کردم باید ببرمش توی قلعه ای داخل bruma ولی در قلعه قفله. داخل bruma به یه صحنه ی قتل بر می می خورم که نمی دونم باید چه کار کنم یه چیزاییم راجع به hunter vampier میگن:confused:

please help me


کاربر سایت
Aug 18, 2007

تو ابلیویون وقتی وارد قلعه ی mankar camaron تو paradise میشم وقتی میخوام بکشمش هرچی که بش ضربه می زنم اصلا damage نمی خوره وقتی ام که پسراشو می کشم دوباره زنده می شن


کاربر سایت
Oct 15, 2006
سلام به همگی من یه سوال داشتم در مورد اویل 1 می خواستم بگم این 4 تا بطری خالی که تو وسط بازی بهمون میده یکی از اونا رو که باید آب پر کنیم 3 تای دیگه رو باید چی پر کنیم و از کجا باید بریم پر کنیم اگر این جواب رو به من بگید ممنون میشم :cheesygri:cheesygri


플레이 스테이션 팬
کاربر سایت
Sep 17, 2007
تو ابلیویون وقتی وارد قلعه ی mankar camaron تو paradise میشم وقتی میخوام بکشمش هرچی که بش ضربه می زنم اصلا damage نمی خوره وقتی ام که پسراشو می کشم دوباره زنده می شن

باید سعی کنی در حین دفاع از خودت manker cameron بکشی و بعدش هم قلععه خراب میشه و بر میگردی تو همون قصری که martin بود.
وقتی من کشتمش level 16 بود.
ضمنن اگه بازم نشد به SETTING برو و DIFFICULTY کم کن.;);););););):cheesygri

کاربرانی که این قسمت را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
or ثبت‌نام سریع از طریق سرویس‌های زیر